I installed a Windows 7 in a dual boot mode. You know, I just don't want to lose anything I've been working on. They are mostly in my Win XP.
After done installing, I was rather shocked by the degradation of visual quality compared to that i've been experiencing with, that is Vista. Windows 7 is somehow not as 'blink-blink' as Vista. Well, yeah, I must tell you I also have an Acer notebook with Vista business installed, and my favorite a MacBook. I use Vista because Microsoft someday has to leave WinXP to either Vista or now Win7. I don't know, when done installing, I just didn't feel as good as when I first saw Vista. Not that they look alike and I had this taste of Vista first and therefore not being surprised to Win7 because I already got used to something alike at the first place. But rather, the visual quality itself is degraded, Windows 7 however looks rather slum. I am sorry to say that but it does.
Anyway, the dual boot is running great. I installed Win 7 in a different partition, same hard disk. Installed it as custom installation. It is running perfectly well, and about dive to it deeper.